Thursday, December 17, 2009


I went to Hawkscry today
to finish some work
installing the insulation in the roof.

It was a clear and cold day
and I had some difficulty overcoming
the desire to do nothing,
which in this case was unhealthy.

Sometimes I resist the work before me
I focus too much on the end product
and not the process. I often want to do things
too quickly.
This is stressful.

Work in a measured way,
pay better attention to the work
and not so much attention to getting something done
in some kind of time frame
This a better way for me.

There is no future in this constant striving to finish
Only the now, the present do-ing of it
Is real. I may die in the next instant
Better to pay attention to the do-ing of it now.

Then too, I love the company of another
when I am working.
I like to share the work,
not so much to lessen the burden,
though it does that, but...

just to be in the presence of another human
sharing a connection,
This is joy.

And I like to think the energy
put into work
makes it that much better.

I did overcome my desire to abandon the work,
Got myself moving forward,
accomplished what I set out to do
and got the satisfaction

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