Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bow To The Essence

Bow to the Essence

A lover has four streams inside,
of water, wine, honey, and milk.
Find those in yourself
and pay no attention to what so-and-so says about such-and-such.
The rose does not care
if someone calls it a thorn, or a jasmine.
Ordinary eyes categorize human beings.
That one is a Zoroastrian. This one a Muslim.
Walk instead with the other vision given you, your first eyes.
Bow to the essence in a human being.
Do not be content with judging people good and bad.
Grow out of that.
The great blessing is that Shams
has poured a strength into the ground
that lets us wait and trust the waiting. ~

Rumi (Translation Coleman Barks)
If you yearn for more Rumi, here are a few recitations with lovely images. (You will need to ignore the adverts however. A funny juxtaposition of reality and illusion here...especially the roaring lion which last for about 5 seconds. One must wade through a cetrtain amount of debris to get to the beauty....

For a short introduction to the life of Rumi, go to the following site. Again, you have to put up with some adverts. Sorry....

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