Saturday, December 8, 2012

Bishop Gene Robinson's Sermon on Gay Pride Day

Diversity is not an easy pill for some to swallow. Our cookie cutter culture would rather everyone fit into a neat little box. Indeed our culture makes it so hard to exist outside the box, that many must suffer lifetimes of internal and external oppression. And often that oppression is sanctioned in various subtle and not so subtle ways by society. The boy scouts come to mind and their stand not to allow gay scouts become Eagle Scouts. That is an oppressive message and it reinforces in the minds of some the idea that being gay is in some way less honorable. Or take the passage of the constitutional amendment in North Carolina defining marriage as being exclusively between a man and a woman. This is state sanctioned oppression. Don't ask, don't tell was another form of oppression. But these oppressive behaviors are doomed to fall because they are not in the divine plan. God (or whatever term you use ) wants a fully diverse universe. Listen to Gene Robinson's sermon in which he invites all to participate in the great liberating act of offering water to the oppressed and in so doing quenching your own spiritual thirst for justice.

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