Friday, September 7, 2012

Every Child Deserves a Loving Family

Sometimes it is hard to hear the real message especially when politicians have to wrap self-evident truth around enough rhetoric to confuse anyone so as not to be "pinned" down on any particular issue. It is refreshing when a person stands upright on their convictions. Zach Wahls is such a person. I remember his speech to the Iowa Senate and thinking what a great spokesperson he is in ending discrimination against same sex marriage. And here again he speaks the truth to the DNC and amplifies Obama's support for families like his. WPS

Activist Zach Wahls addressed the Democratic National Convention on Thursday, remembering watching the 2004 Republican National Convention.

"I remember politicians talking about protecting marriage from families like mine," he recalled. "Now, supporting a view of marriage as between a man and woman isn't radical. For many people, it's a matter of faith. We respect that. Watching that convention on TV, though I felt confused, frustrated. Why didn't they think my family was a real family?"

Wahls, a 20-year-old student,became an overnight sensationshortly after addressing Iowa lawmakers, seeking to limit marriage equality rights for same-sex couples like his two mothers Jackie and Terry. Wahls said that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney continue the rhetoric.

"Governor Romney says he's against same-sex marriage because every child deserves a mother and a father," Wahls said. "I think every child deserves a family as loving and committed as mine. Because the sense of family comes from the commitment we make to each other to work through the hard times so we can enjoy the good ones. It comes from the love that binds us; that's what makes a family. Mr. Romney, my family is just as real as yours."

Here is the text of his short speech for the DNC in Charlotte 9/6/12

I'm a sixth-generation Iowan, an Eagle Scout, and I was raised by my two moms, Jackie and Terry.

People want to know what it's like having lesbian parents. I'll let you in on a secret: I'm awesome at putting the seat down. Otherwise, we're like any other family. We eat dinner, we go to church, we have chores. But some people don't see it that way. When I was 12, watching the 2004 Republican convention, I remember politicians talking about protecting marriage from families like mine.

Now, supporting a view of marriage as between a man and woman isn't radical. For many people, it's a matter of faith. We respect that. Watching that convention on TV, though I felt confused, frustrated. Why didn't they think my family was a real family?

Governor Romney says he's against same-sex marriage because every child deserves a mother and a father. I think every child deserves a family as loving and committed as mine. Because the sense of family comes from the commitment we make to each other to work through the hard times so we can enjoy the good ones. It comes from the love that binds us; that's what makes a family. Mr. Romney, my family is just as real as yours.

President Obama understands that. He supports my moms' marriage. President Obama put his political future on the line to do what was right. Without his leadership, we wouldn't be here. President Obama is fighting for our families... all of our families. He has our backs. We have his.

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