Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Song of Life (William Stanhope)

Song of Life

This urgent song- a sudden cry
Springing forth from deep morning slumber
Like a  fountain
Filling the eager emptiness with 
Divine vintage

Uncorked and served
To any weary traveler
Awake enough to fetch an
Empty wine glass from the closet
And turn it heavenward

O Winemaker!
 Fill my cup
With this sublime vintage
Pressed abundantly from the long sweet -and- bitter
harvest of time

With your caress and wink
And gentle pull
Bring my lips to the cup's edge
And let me fall drunk
Into your awaiting arms

O weary man!
Why refuse the proffered cup
Brimming over with the fruit of
Joy-filled vineyards

Let this holy nectar
Smooth your troubled brow
And like a warm fragrant blanket
Cover your sorrow
And open your heart

(July 6, 2010)

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